Turkey Trot Kicks Off Running Season for Omega Team

It’s road race season here at Omega Environmental and our team hit the road for the first trot of the season recently, crossing the finish line of the Orange County Turkey Trot 5k on Thanksgiving a little soggy, but in good spirits. (As a team specializing in remediation of a wide range of environmental hazards, a little rainwater does not intimidate us…)
The Turkey Trot has become a holiday tradition over the years as a way to contribute to a good cause and get a little exercise in before the traditional Thanksgiving carb-loading via turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie.
The Joy of Giving Back Shines Through Soggy Weather
TurkeyTrot participants across the country are a hardy bunch, racing through whatever weather November brings. In Southern California, this is generally not a hardship. This year, however, was uncharacteristically rain-soaked.
For the Omega group, it was their first event running in a downpour. The team included Omega employees Irene de la Lastra, Tanya Seneviratne and Jessica Alvarado, along with their family members Fernando de la Lastra, Gwendolyn Alvarado and Jessica’s nephew Jeremie Perez.
“It was cold and wet,” Irene de la Lastra said. “But that did not stop us. We finished as a team.”
De la Lastra said the event, and others like it, provide an opportunity for Omega to give back to the community. The event benefited a local environmental advocacy group and an organization that provides educational support to the families of equipment porters who work on Mt. Kilimanjaro.
“There is so much need this time of year and we are pretty fortunate,” said de la Lastra. “We like to give back.”
If you missed the race, you can still donate to the Urban Health Alliance Race 4 the Environment – an organization dedicated to advocacy and testing to eliminate environmental health hazards that affect children and families in Southern California, or to To Return, which provides education and other support to the families of Mt. Kilimanjaro guides and porters.
Join Us: Upcoming Holiday Fun Run Charity Events
If you would like to join us for another holiday fun run, here’s what is next:
• Holiday Half Marathon/ Ugly Sweater 5K/10K: Omega employees will participate in the Dec. 14 Ugly Sweater 5K at the Main Plaza at the Fairgrounds at Fairplex in Pomona, California. Groups that sign up to participate receive a 10% donation for their group’s charity at the end of the race. This event also includes a half marathon on Dec. 15 and a Penguin Waddle race for children. To register or donate, click this link.
To learn more about environmental assessment, remediation and other services provided by the Omega team as part of their day job, give us a call or click on the link below.
We hope to see you out on the starting line.